Mangalore 19,

The Second Managing Council Meeting of AMUCT  for the year 2013-14 was held at 3 p.m on Saturday, October 19, 2013 at AMUCT  office. 

Dr. A M Narahari spoke on various recent developments in higher education such as proposals of 12th Five Year Plan on Higher Education, College for Potential Excellence (CPE), Rastriya Uchcha Shikshina Abhiyan (RUSA), Community Colleges, etc. Regarding delay in UGC arrears he told that one of the regions of collegiate education not submitted revised UGC arrears bill to the collegiate education. Due to this reason the process has been delayed. He told that there is no any objection from central govt. to release the arrears.

Discussion was held about inviting the guests for the AIFUCTO statutory conference. The possible guests are Dr. Oscar Fernandez, Mr. R V Deshpande and HRD Minister Mr. Pallam Raju. Dr. Narahari and Dr. Norbert Lobo already met  Honorable Chief Minister of Karnataka at Bangalore through P V Mohan and invited him  for the inaugural function. The main resource persons who gave their consent to attend the conference are Dr. Sudhanshu Bhushan, NUPEA and Dr. Srivastava from JNU.

All the convenors are requested to collect advertisement for conference souvenir at least Rs. 10,000 (Ten Thousand Only)  each  from their local sources. Unit convenors are also requested to give the list of delegates of their colleges for the purpose of issuing conference kits and certificates.Discussion was held regarding the present conditions of grant-in-aid colleges.

It was resolved to urge the govt. to depute the teachers who have shortage of workload to another aided college, were there is vacancy instead of govt. colleges. Dr. Ummappa Poojary congratulated AMUCT for their effort in managing the redeployment issue very successfully and giving justice to the effected teachers. He asserted that it is not just redeployment issue; it is the time to take appropriate decision to strengthen grant-in aid system.  Therefore it was resolved to convince and put pressure on local MLAs of the various aided colleges to strengthen grant-in aid system.      

It was resolved to request once again to all those members who have not given contributions to the conference. Further it was decided to announce the non-contributors list in the website and bulletin. 

It was resolved to collect Rs. 500 (Five Hundred Only) as conference delegate fee from the non-UGC members of AMUCT. The last date for registration will be November 15.

President Dr. Lobo read the letter written by Mr. Shreedhar, Associate Professor of BTCG College, Somavarapet requesting AMUCT to urge the university to revise DA and remuneration to university examination related works. It was resolved to resend the earlier memorandum, which was  submitted to  the university during the last May/June valuation with the signature of more than 750 teachers, for which university has not given any response. It was also resolved to take appropriate action programme in case of non-implementation of the same during the next  Novemeber / December valuation work.

 President, Dr. Norbert Lobo welcomed the members and gave a brief report of the various activities/ issues of the association of the last three months. ( July 28 to October 18) . 

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