The annual academic convention 2016 of Amuct will be organized this time jointly with St Aloysisu College, Autonomous) Mangaluru on Saturday , March 12 2016, at FR L.F. Rasquinha Hall, LCRI, St Aloysius College, Mangaluru, at 11.45 am. SRI T.B. JAYACHANDRA , Hon’ble Minister for Higher Education, Law and Parliamentary Affairs, Govt. of Karnataka will be the Chief Guest. SRI J R LOBO , MLA, Mangaluru South Constituency and Chairman of Legislative Standing Committee for Backward Classes and Minority Welfare, Govt. of Karnataka will preside over the function. PROF. K. BYRAPPA , Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, Mangalore University,and REV. FR DENZIL LOBO SJ., Rector , St Aloysius Institutions, Managluru) will participate as Guests of Honour. Rev Fr Swebert D’Silva SJ , Principal of St Aloysisu College will present his views on the theme. 

The convention will deliberate upon various issues related to the theme “Private Aided Colleges: Contribution and Challenges “

AMUCT President Dr Norbert Lobo and General Secretary Dr Lakshminarayana Bhat request the members of the University and College Teachers and AMUCT members as well as other stake holders in Higher Education to participate in large number. Arrangements have been made to provide OOD facility to the staff of all degree colleges under Mangalore University region.

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