In the Business Session of Annual General Body Meeting Chaired by President Dr Ummappa Poojary, which was held in the first session before the formal function, important resolutions were passed concerning collegiate education after due deliberations. President called the meeting to order and welcomed the members present. General Secretary Dr B A Kumar Hegde presented the resolutions passed in the 30th Annual General Body meeting and got approved from the house. General Secretary also presented the Annual Report and got it approved by the house. Smt Dejamma, Treasurer presented the Audited Statements of accounts of AMUCT for the year 2016-17 and Budget for 2017-18, which was unanimously approved by the house. Managing Trustee Dr Mohith Suvarna Presented Audited Statements of accounts of AMUCT for the year 2016-17 which was approved by the house. Dr Herald Monis, Joint Secretary, presented the resolutions before the house. Vice Presidents Sri Charles Pias and Sri Nagaraj Nayak were present in the meeting. Dr Norbert Lobo, National Vice President, AIFUCTO was present on the dais as a special Invitee to the AGM.
In between the AGM and formal function AMUCT members held demonstration outside the venue and observed demand day as per the directions of AIFOCTO, demanding immediate implementation of UGC 7th Pay Review Committees Report.

Following were elected as Trustees to AMUCT TRUST for 2017 -2020
1. Sri Dattatreya, Sri Bhuvanendra College Karkala.
2. Dr Vasappa Gowda, Besant Evening College Mangalore
3. Sri Ganesh Pai, Besant Evening College Mangalore
4. Smt Nayana, MSRS College Shirva.

Resolutions passed in the AGM on 16.07.2017


Resolved to strongly oppose any move by the department prescribing specific dress code to the college teachers, especially women teachers.
Explanation: Recently the Department of Collegiate Education has issued a circular asking college principals to give a report as to complying with the prescribed dress code (Sari)by the women teachers. The reasons given for issuing the circular were demeaning and absurd. We feel that attending colleges with a decent dress is our responsibility. Personal dress code is left to their custom, belief and convenience. Hence the said circular based on a letter written by an individual should be immediately withdrawn.
Resolved to request the Government through the Department Of Collegiate Education to fill the vacancies in aided colleges immediately with regular teachers through regular appointments for the vacant posts so that the well established PPP model is strengthened. Also resolved to request the Govt to bring new subjects/new combinations of subjects under grant in aid.
Explanation: More than 80% of the posts in Aided colleges are vacant without regular faculties. This will have adverse impact on quality of education. Hence filling up of vacancies should be done immediately in all aided colleges. The aided colleges for several decades have provided quality education at affordable fees and rendered yeoman service in the field of higher education and nation building. Currently they have been facing acute shortage of faculty.
Resolved to request the Government to fix minimum amount of salary at par with at least state scale pay to the management paid/unaided teachers.
Explanation: In many institutions under Mangalore University, the management appointed Teaching staff working full time is paid a very meager salary of less than Rs 8,000 per month to Rs 12,000. In many states granting affiliation is tied to salary and other benefits to staff.
Resolved to write and seek clarification from the commissioner with regard the right and scope of scrutiny of colleges by the In-charge Regional Joint Director of Mangalore while visiting the Aided colleges. Also resolved to protest against the abusive and threatening words used against aided college Principals and Teachers during his visit to colleges. Further it was resolved that AMUCT has no issues regarding the visit of In-charge JDCE to aided colleges.
Explanation: It was observed that the present in charge RJDCE during his visits to colleges, selectively asks for the service registers of a few staff members of the last 15 to 20 years and also the work dairies of a few staff members of last 5 years and raises objections, even though the same things have been approved by earlier DCE Officials according the rules and directives of that time. He has already served series of notices and memos to the teaching faculties of many colleges on very trivial issues causing mental torture and has vitiated normal working environment. Also entering classrooms and passing comments in front of students.
Resolved to get clarification from the concerned authorities regarding the right of the In-charge Joint Director to forcefully occupy the Principals chair during his visit to the colleges.
Explanation: All the members felt that the Chair of Principal or any other Officer in any institution shall be occupied by that official person only. We all believe and practice in offering a respectful place with required logistics. However, forcefully occupying Principals chair is unwarranted.
Resolved to request the authorities to appoint only those Principals with at least minimum qualifications as prescribed under 2006 UGC Scales order (Ph D with number of years of experience), as Regional Joint Directors of Collegiate Education.
Explanation: The letter issued by the Additional Chief Secretary, Dept of Higher Education, Govt of Karnataka addressed to the Commissioner of Dept of Collegiate Education, Banagluru, dated June 03, 2016, clearly states that even the In-Charge Principal of Aided Degree Colleges shall be appointed as per the UGC minimum qualification with Ph.D degree. Appointing a teacher without at least a Ph.D. degree to the post of Regional Joint Directors of Collegiate Education is certainly not in tune with the above directives.
We request you to kindly look into the above resolutions and take appropriate actions in this regard immediately.


8. Resolved to request the University to conduct supplementary examination to the failed students in Vth Semester (Odd Semester) along with VIth Semester (Even Semester) examination and also for VIth Semester failed students immediately after the announcement of the results, in selected examination centers.
9. Resolved to request the University not to start central valuation work until all the answer scripts are supplied to the valuation centre.
10. Resolved to urge the University to revise valuation remuneration, DA and other examination related payments to the teachers and non-teaching staff at par with other Universities in the state. Also resolved to urge the University to implement the changed remuneration from Oct/Nov 2017 examination.
11. Resolved to request the University to fix minimum amount of salary at par with at least state scale pay to the management paid/unaided teachers and make this as basic requirement to grant affiliation as it has been followed in other states .
Explanation: In many institutions under Mangalore University, the management appointed Teaching staff working full time is paid a very meager salary of less than Rs 8,000 per month to Rs 12,000. In many states granting affiliation is tied to salary and other benefits to staff.




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