Sept. 5
Three members from AMUCT unit, Dr Norbert Lobo, Dr Denis Fernandes and Dr Shilaja participated in the Court arrest programme in New Delhi on Teachers Day as per the call given by AIFUCTO. Around 100 teachers from Karnataka representing AMUCT, KUKTA, RUCTA, GUPTA, DUCTA, KUPCTA, TUCTA and the members of Bijapur Womens Univerrsity Association participated in the ralley. There were altogether more than 5000 teachers representing various units of College Teachers Association. The programme began with the speeches at Jantar Mantar and later the members proceeded to the court arrest. In the meantime the representatives of AIFUCTO, FEDKUTA and DUTA met the HRD Minister. The meeting did not yield any positive outcome. As per thier report the Ministry is planning to extend the revised UGC scale only to the Central University teachers and not to College teachers.
Meanwhile, as per the call given by AIFUCTO, the members of AMUCT Unit observed September 5 as BLACK DAY in thier respective colleges

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