The Fourth Managing Council Meeting of AMUCT held on March 15, 2014 expressed its displeasure over the functioning of the Regional Joint Director of Collegiate Education of Mangalore region. The urgency shown by the JD and some of the actions have been discussed. The members unanimously felt that the phone calls made by JD to individual teaching and non-teaching staff whose files like promotion, fixation of pension, encashment of leave, etc are pending in the Offices highly unwarranted. Similarly the enthusiasm shown by him in executing recent circulars related to refixation connected with notional increment issue, inspite of the fact that it has been still being debated at the higher official level, non- release of salary to the inter-management transferred staff, withholding salary of some of the teachers even after court directions have been discussed. The members strongly opined that the matter has to be reported to the higher –ups in writing.
Members feeling is that the Regional Joint Director’s action have been unnecessarily creating anxiety and uneasiness among the teachers and vitiates the conducive academic environment in the region.
The President informed the members that the proposed Dharna in front of the Joint Director's office is postponed due to Election Code of Conduct. However, he said that the matter has already been briefed to the President, FUCTAK and will be brought to the notice of local MLA, MLC and to the Government immediately.
It was decided to inform all aided colleges not to furnish the information to the latest circular of the Commissioner related to Notional Increment till the further instructions.
A Committee with Dr Vasappa Gowda as convener was formed to coordinate the matter of Notional Increment.
Dr A.M Narahari briefed the members on the recent meeting with the higher education minister and the developments after that at the state level. Other issues discussed include matters related to RUSA, NEC meeting of AIFUCTO, The meeting called by the Managements of Aided-Colleges, Examination remuneration particularly demand for hike in DA on far with other universities .
AMUCT Bulletin was released by Dr Ummappa Poojary the former President of AMUCT and he praised the efforts of the editor in publishing the bulletin regularly.
The meeting was attended by 40 members.Mr Rocky G Lobo, President of Mangalore University Non-Teaching Association was the special invitee.